About Juvenile Court
Please be advised Juvenile cases are strictly confidential – no information will be given on the phone. Parties wishing to obtain information must present identification establishing themselves to be parties to the case.
The Juvenile Justice Court is responsible for handling matters regarding minors (persons under 18 years of age). The judges in Juvenile Justice Court hear cases involving minors charged with violations of the law and dependency cases involving minors who have been neglected or abused.
For more information about Juvenile Justice Court and Dependency, visit the California Courts Self-Help website:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE – The Sierra Superior Court has modified court operations to implement Code of Civil Procedure, section 367.75, which authorizes trial courts to conduct civil, family, and juvenile proceedings through the use of remote technology effective January 1, 2022.
Notice of scheduling requirements are defined by evidentiary or non-evidentiary hearings. Many hearing types allow parties and attorneys to appear remotely without filing a motion for remote appearance, while trials and evidentiary hearings require a form be filed with the Court and served on the other party. You can find the updated procedures and links to the new forms on the California Courts website.
Juvenile Justice Court
The Welfare and Institutions Code, starting at section 602, describes the Court's jurisdiction over misdemeanors and felonies committed by minors. For certain serious crimes, the law currently provides the possibility of trying juveniles as adults in the Adult Criminal Court.
For information on Juvenile Justice Court cases contact:
Sierra County Probation Department
100 Courthouse Square
Second Floor
Downieville, CA 95936
Phone: (530) 289-3277
105 Beckwith Road
Loyalton, CA 96118
Juvenile Dependency
The California Welfare and Institutions Code, starting at section 300, sets forth the legal requirements, process and objectives for Dependency Court. Dependency matters are filed with the Court when there are reports that children have been abandoned, abused or neglected by their parent(s) or legal guardian. These cases are also filed with the Court when parents or legal guardians are unable or unwilling to care for their children.
For information on Juvenile Dependency cases contact:
Sierra County Child Protective Services
22 Maiden Lane
P.O. Box 38
Downieville, CA 95936Phone: (530) 289-3711
24 Hour Emergency Contact:
(530) 289-3720
202 Front Street
P.O. Box 1019
Loyalton, CA 96118Phone: (530)-993-6700